
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Bail Reform is Working In New Jersey

As members of the New Jersey Integrated Justice Alliance and the New Solitions Campaign, the Latino Action Network has been a strong proponent for bail reform. We are happy to announce that bail reform is working in New Jersey. Below are the five month statistics on bail reform that were recently released by the Administrative Office of the Courts. You can view the full stats here, but below are the main highlights:
  • Since January 1st, the jail population in New Jersey has been declined by 19%. When compared to May of 2015, the statewide jail population by almost 36% percent, with reductions as much as 49% in some counties.
  • Around 13% of individuals are being detained after a preventative detention hearing where they are afforded all of their rights. The remaining 87% of defendants are being released on varying levels of monitoring.
These numbers are impressive and demonstrate the success of the reform. Because of the  advocacy of our members, thousands of individuals are awaiting trial at home with their families instead of locked up behind bars.Help us spread the word by tweeting the following:
#BailReform is working in NJ. @NPR on how the jail population has dropped under the reform while crime is falling.
All eyes are on New Jersey as jurisdictions around the country are looking to us as a leader in pretrial justice. Please see the following news articles that highlight the success and leadership of New Jersey’s bail reform.